“Boys don’t cry” na Tjednu suvremenog plesa

Predstava Boys don’t cry drugi je dio trilogije posvećene odnosu plesa i specifičnog žanra pop glazbe.

Predstava „Boys don’t cry“ nastavak je istraživanja iz 2011.godine koje je rezultiralo predstavom „Love will tear us apart“, solom za plesačicu Petru Hrašćanec.“ Love will tear us apart“ stavlja pitanje vlasništva nad izvedbom isprva u apstraktni plesni okvir bavljenja tijelom i politikom pogleda, a potom i u širi umjetnički i socijalni okvir. Odabrane glazbene numere rezultiraju izvedbenim iskazima koji u sebi tretiraju riječ ljubav, kao ljubav prema činu izvedbe u svoj njegovoj mnogostrukosti.
„Boys don’t cry“ sužava svoj glazbeni okvir, istražuje se naslijeđe ženskih kantautorica iz razdoblja 60-ih godina prošlog stoljeća (Joan Baez, Marianne Faithfull, Judy Collins…) te s njima povezana pitanja ženskog identiteta na sceni i skrivenih političkih poruka koje takva glazba, i ples na nju, posjeduje. Ženski identitet u predstavi razložen je na glas i pogled, a vlasništvo nad njim raspravlja se kroz fikcionalnu biografiju plesačice Petre Hrašćanec, koja je na sceni uprizorena u formi dueta. Procedura prati plesnu proceduru projekta „Love will tear us apart“: plesači izvode plesne numere, odabrane pop pjesme, dok u pauzama saznajemo naoko efemerne detalje o nastanku same produkcije, raspličući suptilnu mrežu odnosa moći koja definira čin izvedbe. No ovaj puta situacija se multiplicira, jer plesači imaju različite odgovore na zadane zadatke, dok sama dramaturgija predstave dovodi u pitanje unisonost na sceni, kreaciju plesnog identiteta i vlastitite plesne i osobne umjetničke povijesti. Gledatelj je neprestano primoran birati između dvaju ponuđenih plesnih modela i pozvan je aktivno preuzeti odgovornost u lancu hijerarhije izvođačkog čina.
Predstava “Boys don’t cry” razvijana je unutar međunarodnog projekta SPIDER i jedan njezin dio prikazan je u okviru predstave At Once . Završni rad na predstavi “Boys don’t cry” realiziran je kroz radnu platformu ekscene, a u suradnji s Pučkim otvorenim učilištem Zagreb
Projekt su podržali: Ministarstvo kulture Republike Hrvatske te Grad Zagreb – Gradski ured za obrazovanje kulturu i šport.

de facto: boys don’t cry
koncept: Saša Božić
koreografija: Petra Hrašćanec i Saša Božić
izvedba: Petra Hrašćanec, Marko Jastrevski (Ana Mrak/Aleksandra Janeva Imfeld)
izbor glazbe: de facto
tonska obrada: Damir Šimunović
producentica: Štefica Bartolin
produkcija: de facto
Zahvaljujemo: Aleksandri Janevi Imfeld, Ani Mrak, Zdravki Ivandiji, SSP-u

The performance Boys don’t cry is the second part of a trilogy dedicated to the relationship between dance and a specific genre of pop music.

“Boys don’t cry” continues the research from 2011 which resulted with “Love Will Tear Us Apart”, a solo for dancer Petra Hrašćanec. “ Love will tear us apart” dealt with questions of ownership over the performance; first in an abstract dance frame dealing with the body, and then in a broader artistic and social framework. The selected love songs resulted with performance statements that attempted to interpret the word ‘love’, as love for the performance in all its multiplicity.

“Boys don’t cry” narrows its musical scope. It explores the legacy of female singer-songwriters from the period of the 60s of last century (Joan Baez, Marianne Faithfull, Judy Collins…) and the related issues of female identity on the scene and the political messages that this music, and the dances danced to it, possess. The female identity in the work is explained through the voice and the gaze, while the ownership of this identity is discussed through the fictional biography of the dancer Petra Hrašćanec, brought to life in the form of a duet.
The process follows the dance procedure of the project “Love will tear us apart”: the dancers perform dance numbers and selected pop songs, while during the breaks between performances we get acquainted with the seemingly ephemeral details about the creation of the production itself, thus unweaving the subtle fabric of the relationships of power that define the act of performance. But this time, the situation multiplies because the dancers respond differently to the given tasks, while the dramaturgy of the play itself questions harmony on the scene, the creation of a dance identity, as well as one’s own dance and personal artistic histories. The viewer is constantly forced to choose between the two offered dance models, and may actively take responsibility within the hierarchical chain of the act of performance.

Boys don’t cry was developed within the SPIDER International Project and partially performed within the performance At Once. Final work on the performance Boys don’t cry was conducted through the work platform of ekscena, in cooperation with the Pučko otvoreno učilište, Zagreb.
This project is supported by the Republic of Croatia Ministry of Culture and the City of Zagreb – City Office for Education, Culture and Sport.
Special thanks: Aleksandra Janeva Imfeld, Ana Mrak, Zdravka Ivandija, SSP

de facto: boys don’t cry
Concept: Saša Božić
Choreography: Petra Hrašćanec and Saša Božić
Performance: Petra Hrašćanec , Marko Jastrevski (Ana Mrak/Aleksandra Janeva Imfeld)
Music selection: de facto
Sound: Damir Šimunović
Producer: Štefica Bartolin
Production: de facto

22.05.2012 [Tuesday]