“Love will tear us apart” – Theatre du Colombier
9., 10. i 11. studenoga u okviru programa Croatie, la voici (Festival Hrvatske u Francuskoj) u Théâtre du Colombier (Bagnolet, Pariz) biti će izvedena predstava „Love will tear us apart“.
Cijena ulaznice: 13 / 9 Eura
Više informacija o nastupu, programu Croatie, la voici kao i Théâtre du Colombier potražite na http://croatielavoici.com/?p=616.
On the 9th, 10th and 11th of November, as a part of Croatie, la voici programme (Festival de la Croatie en France) in Théâtre du Colombier (Bagnolet, Pariz) you will have the opportunity to see the solo “Love will tear us apart”
Tickets: 13 / 9 Euros
More informations about the performance, Croatie, la voici programme as well as Théâtre du Colombier, you can find at http://croatielavoici.com/?p=616.
20.10.2012 [Saturday]