Open call to all dance and performance artists
de facto, ekscena and Culture of Change of the Zagreb Student Centre call all dance and performance artists to collaborate with the German choreographer Isabelle Schad in a co-production of the performance titled The Construction.
An introduction with the work of the choreographer Isabelle Schad will be organized on 26 April from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm at the Zagreb Student Centre in the form of a 3-hour workshop/audition.
Seven performers will be selected to work on the production of The Construction. The production will take place between 19 May and 7 June at the Zagreb Student Centre. The premiere of the project is planned for the second half of September at the Ganz New Festival.
Please send your applications with inclosed CVs and contacts until 22 April 2014 to the following e-mail address:
Project: The Construction (Der Bau)
Isabelle Schad, choreographer from Berlin, and French artist Laurent Goldring started working on their solo named Der Bau in 2012, inspired by the eponymous short story by Franz Kafka. The labyrinth Kafka describes as the space emerging yet still belonging to the body served as the foundation for their exploration of the new space and body relation.
The art direction of the group version of Der Bau (The Construction) is in the hands of Saša Božić, theatre director, dramaturge and art director of the de facto company from Zagreb and Isabelle Schad.
Seventy black bags will be put in the material function to highlight visibility and expand the body into the surrounding space. A group of performers will use material movement to create a kind of spatial journey somewhere in-between paradoxical landscapes, abstract images and moving sculptures.
Isabelle Schad lives and works in Berlin as a choreographer and dancer. Her works are based on somatic body practice and continuous learning through (re)presentation. For a number of years, Schad has been teaching in order to continue learning about the way to share knowledge, ideas and approaches (among other, she worked for the HCT Berlin and abroad following the invitation from the Goethe Institute).
One of her artistic points of interest is a series of group works such as Musik (Praticable) and Experience #1, where music parameters and concepts are transposed to physiology choreographic discourse, and composition elements to dance: body organization is related to a space and then compared to motifs, figures, polyphonic sounds and somatic landscapes.
Saša Božić is a theatre director, dance dramaturge and choreographer as well as artistic director of the de facto company from Zagreb. He has been cooperating with Isabelle Schad for a number of years. In the performance titled Musik (Praticable), created in Zagreb in collaboration with the EkS-scena, he participated as one of 14 dancers and followed the production with his dramatist expertise.
08.04.2014 [Tuesday]