Premiere of “Der Bau” in Berlin

DER BAU – Gruppe12x60, Der Bau was created as a solo in 2012 by the choreographer from Berlin, Isabelle Schad and French artist Laurent Goldring inspired by the eponymous unfinished short story by Franz Kafka. Space of the stage is examined as an organ, starting from a description of a den as a metaphor for a body and its organs and fluids. The labyrinth Kafka describes as the space emerging yet still belonging to the body served as the foundation for their exploration of the new space and body relation that started with a series of performances titled Unturtled 2008.
Form and Mass, Isabelle Schad’s solo from 2013 for and in collaboration with the dancer Sonja Pregrad, investigates the relation between energy and matter, between the material and movement and the creation of a resulting form. The material, or black bags filled with polystyrene balls, accentuates visibility, that is, they expand the body into the surrounding space.
Sixty black bags are the material background for the new group piece titled DER BAU – Group 12X60, which is a continuation of the new choreographic perspective of the interior/exterior space. Material movement of 12 performers creates a spatial journey somewhere in-between paradoxical landscapes, pure energetic matter, abstract images and sculptures in motion. Black phantasmagorical matter overtakes, little by little, the space of the stage allowing the spectator to get immersed in the journey filled with surprises, aspirations and fantasies…
Choreography: Isabelle Schad
Art collaboration: Saša Božić, Laurent Goldring
Co-coreographed and performed by: Ivaylo Dimitrov, Hana Erdman, Przemyslaw Kaminski, Roni Katz, Nina Kurtela, Lena Lux, Diethild Meier, Lea Moro, Benjamin Pohlig, David Pollmann, Anna Posch, Sonja Pregrad
Compser and Sound Designer: Marcello Busato
Light Design: Mehdi Toutain-Lopez
Technical support: Martin Pilz, Mehdi Toutain-Lopez
Costume Design: Marion Montel
Production and PR: Heiko Schramm
Premiered on 6 February 2014, 7:00 pm
Also performed on: 7 February 2014, 19:00 / 08 February 2014, 20:30 / 09. February 2014, 19:00
Uferstudios, Uferstudio 14, • Badstraße 41a • 13357 Berlin •

 30/12/2013 [Monday]