Production of “Der Bau” started in Zagreb
Der Bau, or The Construction, choreographed by Isabelle Schad and Saša Božić, premiered in February this year in Berlin. First rehearsals for the production in Zagreb started this Monday at the &TD Theatre. Each production gathered a different group of performers, 12 from Germany and 10 from Zagreb, and the basic idea is two merge the two groups in a joint project next year. Rehearsals will end by 5 June with two presentations on 6 and 7 June at the &TD Theatre in Zagreb. The presentation on 7 June will make part of the Contemporay Dance Week. The Der Bau project is a co-production of Isabelle Schad, de facto theatre, ekscena and the Culture of Change of the Zagreb Student Centre.
Der Bau was created as a solo in 2012 by the choreographer from Berlin, Isabelle Schad and French artist Laurent Goldring inspired by the eponymous short story by Franz Kafka. Space of the stage is examined as an organ, starting from a description of a den as a metaphor for a body and its organs and fluids. The labyrinth Kafka describes as the space emerging yet still belonging to the body served as the foundation for their exploration of the new space and body relation.
The group version of Der Bau in Berlin and Zagreb is planed for the season 2013/2014, under the art direction of Saša Božić and Isabelle Schad.
This new piece will continue in the form of a new choreographic perspective of interior/exterior where 70 black bags will be put in the material function to highlight visibility and expand the body into the surrounding space. A group of performers will use material movement to create a kind of spatial journey somewhere in-between paradoxical landscapes, abstract images and moving sculptures.
The performance is, among others, supported by the Kultura nova and NPN Foundations.
24.05.2014 [Saturday]