Author: Saša Božić
In cooperation with the performers: Jelena Miholjević, Viktoria Bubalo, Boris Barukčić
Costumes and set design: Ana Mikulić
Production: Tena Bošnjaković
Public relations: Ivana Sansević
Photography: Ivica Ivčević
Graphic design: Tihomir Filipec
Production: de facto in partnership with Urania
The cabinet of Monsters was inspired by the novel “In the Garden of the Monster” by Leila Slimani and Dimitrij Kokanovs drama “Pornscape.
For all of us, this is riding in the sunset.
For all of us, this is conquering the West.
For all of us, this is searching for the Holy Grail.
For all of us, this is an experience of endless exchange.
You know I won’t say anything that would upset you.
And I will not let your gaze leave me…
February 1, 2021